Meet Jill
Hi, I'm Jill! Thanks for visiting Jill's Tutors. I run a small, intimate tutor-matching company based in Texas. We offer one-on-one tutoring at the location of your choice, with qualified, teachers, college students, and college educators we personally vet and contract.
I created Jill's Tutors out of a need. As a school teacher and tutor for many years, I often heard of the trouble kids and parents encountered working with the big chain tutors available today...
Most of these companies are businesses, run by business people. Not by certified teachers who understand the delicate nature of a productive educational setting and curriculum. That is something I wanted to change with Jill's Tutors...
For more about me, check out our FAQ.

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Why Our Clients Love Us
No Placement Tests
We'll never make your child take a 2-hour "tutoring placement test" for $150+. We'll get you help straight away.
No Sneaky Upcharges
Our pricing is straight-forward. We'll never tack on any "at home" up-charges or obscure "fees" at the end of the month.
More Affordable
Our rates are as much as 25%+ cheaper than the big tutoring chains. Expert help doesn't have to break the bank.
Run By a Real Teacher
At the helm of Jill's Tutors is a real, experienced teacher, tutor, and parent. You can talk to her anytime.