Become a School Partner
Jill's Tutors is seeking to add 3-5 new school partners for the 2019/2020 school year. Are you interested in becoming one of them?
What Benefits Can
a School Partner Expect?
After-school tutoring
on school premises.
After-school tutoring is huge convenience for working and busy parents. Our tutors are allowed on school premises to conduct tutoring in established tutor spaces, while parents wrap-up their work day.
Private tutoring during the school day.
Our tutors are given access to select students for certain windows during the school day (i.e. study hall, home room, etc.). This lends specialized assistance to school staff interested in helping specific students improve or advance.
Seamless communication between teachers and tutors.
Most tutoring companies aren't plugged into class curricula. So tutors show up on the door completely unprepared. They have no tools for plugging into lesson plans or test and quiz results. This makes it impossible to measure progress and build upon it.
Our tutors are given direct access to curricula and report cards, so they know exactly what a student is learning and can better track and measure results.
Financial contribution.
Jill's Tutors is happy to partner with each school on a financial basis, as well (at the discretion of the partnering school).
Higher success rates.
As our partner, you'll have direct input on our joint tutoring program, ensuring students are making the progress you want to see. As a result, your school can better meet its milestones and metrics of success (whether it's test scores or graduation rates).
Teacher perks.
Your teachers have the ability to make supplemental income with the ease of never having to leave “work."
Join us today!
To learn more about our School Partner Program, please reach out directly at Or call 512-598-5135 today.
Here's to your success!